Monday, November 3, 2008


Well, it's time. Tomorrow we vote and by next year we'll know whether or not more of our money will be going to people on welfare. It makes me nervous to be quite honest. I have a feeling that either people will regret their vote or they'll be too proud to admit that they should have went with the other guy. Because seriously, I don't believe a lot of people know what they believe in or what exactly they're looking for in a president. Is it a chance to experience something new and exciting? Or are we trying to avoid the greater good? I hate how both candidates used most of their time explaining why the other is not fit to be president when they should have spent more time fighting for themselves. I hate the stupid comparisons and stereotypes and most of all, I hate politics. So, please take the time to understand why we have the right to vote and what your vote will mean to our country...

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