Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow and a peaceful black Friday. I for one, LOVE black Friday. I know it's hectic and insane and I'm not entirely sure what the most demanding item is out now's still awesome. Jason and I will be having Thanksgiving dinner here at the house with his mom. That's it. Everyone else will be at the in laws or working. My family is out of state, so there you go. I will be leaving, however, tomorrow to see my family without Jason. It sucks so bad but life happens I s'pose. We did manage to work out the weekend before Christmas to see the fam but it will be a short trip. It would be so nice to have my family come here for a change.
Last night I saw Twlight. I wasn't sure why so many girls were squealing over it and why all of a sudden it was the new Harry Potter, but after seeing it last night...I know. It was so mind boggling that I dreamed about it last night. Insane. Loved it. It was beautiful. I am asking for the Twilight series for Christmas now. I didn't understand before, but I see why now.
I had a hard time finding reality after that....

Monday, November 24, 2008

First off, a couple of new images for you. Next, a copy of the letter I have been forced to send out to clarify all of this union crud.

703 West Main Street
Benton, Illinois
(618) 439-6761
“Home of the Mix-A-Six!!”

To Our Loyal Friends,

You may have noticed the picketing that is going on in front of the new building being built for us next door. I am sending out this email in order to try and get the details straight.
First off, I (Jason Van Hoorebeke) am not in charge of what is going on next door. It is true that I designed the building and made all of the choices from light fixtures to cooler doors, but I did not choose the contractors.

I don’t even own that piece of property located at 707 West Main. I own the current location of 703 West Main. The property next door is owned by a partner corporation of CVS Pharmacies, based out of Arizona. Public records, available at the Franklin County Courthouse, show that it is not my property. They are in charge of the construction of the new Liquor Barrell building. The way it is set up is as follows:
1. They are building us a new building to our specifications
2. When the building is completed, we will exchange properties
3. I will take ownership of the 707 West Main building
4. They will take ownership of the 703 West Main location, then tear down the current building

I wanted to relay the facts to you because there have been several flyers or emails going around telling people to not patronize my store because I am using non-union workers to build the new store. As I have explained, I have no chose in who builds the building because it is not mine to build.

It is unfair to hold me or the corporation (Liquor Barrell of Ill., Inc.) accountable for actions by another company when we have no influence over their actions.

I hope all of this clears up any ambiguity that may have been present. I also am hopeful that you will help spread the word around for me. Either by word of mouth or by forwarding this letter along to friends. Your understanding, cooperation and, above all, your continued support of a local, small business man are greatly appreciated.

Lastly, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.

Thank You,
Jason Van Hoorebeke

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh the life of a business wife...

I'm hanging in there. That's pretty much it. I'm watching my poor hubby struggle with the stresses of being a business owner while I try to offer my encouragment as well as my input. Something I don't understand though is Union Workers. I never fully understood them or had much to say about them until recently when a few have been picketing the property next door. It all started about a week ago when the building process began and what I've gathered is that they don't mind their own business. We did not hire the contractors next door nor do we have anything to do with the property until we move in. However, they insist on making it an issue by mailing these dumb letters to to their members saying don't patronize the Barrell because they don't hire union workers. This hurts us. It hurts because one, we did not have a say on the matter and two, we probably have some pretty good Union customers who are manipulated by all of this because some of these workers cannot get their facts straight. People are trying to please them for whatever reason by hiring one to help pour concrete and by asking anyone amongst the current contractors if they want to join the Union so that they will stop picketing. Well, little did I know that there are all types of Union workers. There are Union Electricians and for goodness sake Union plumbers. All have something to say when it comes to the building process. Today the Cement Union workers were picketing because the contractors were pouring cement. This is supposed to be an exciting time for us but it's stressful more than anything. It's hard for me to understand because my professional style is not within this field. I'm interested in being more personal and humanistic. I will support my hubby all the way, I just can't wait for the building to be done...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Liquor Barrell of the FUTURE!!

Well, Construction is moving right along now. Monday, it was just a pot-hole riddled empty parking lot (as seen below):

By Tuesday, they had measured out the exact property lines and placement of the building. Then I went over there to check it out and I was not 100% pleased. I called the contractor and told him it seemed too far back. What had happened was, when I set up the property map, I set everything from the edge of the road. The contractor set everything up from the state easement. A difference of about 10 feet. I went back over with a tape measure and decided that since we were going to have to move it, how about moving it 15 feet.

So Wednesday, they re-drew the building placement and started to dig the foundation out and poured in the base concrete (as seen below):

Next, we had a ton of blocks delivered and added 2 extra storage rooms and a utility room on the back of the building. This caused them to have to re-do the foundation. Again, my fault because I was not satisfied with how it looked so far.

Today, they are setting up the wall bases. The tops of the block pictured are how high the floor is going to be. You can see the difference above the current ground elevation. Thus, we have over 20 semi loads of rock being delivered Monday morning.

Sorry for the image heavy update. Just a bit excited that things have finally started.


Monday, November 3, 2008


Well, it's time. Tomorrow we vote and by next year we'll know whether or not more of our money will be going to people on welfare. It makes me nervous to be quite honest. I have a feeling that either people will regret their vote or they'll be too proud to admit that they should have went with the other guy. Because seriously, I don't believe a lot of people know what they believe in or what exactly they're looking for in a president. Is it a chance to experience something new and exciting? Or are we trying to avoid the greater good? I hate how both candidates used most of their time explaining why the other is not fit to be president when they should have spent more time fighting for themselves. I hate the stupid comparisons and stereotypes and most of all, I hate politics. So, please take the time to understand why we have the right to vote and what your vote will mean to our country...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall back!

Yay we gain an hour tonight! I stayed in town this weekend while everyone else regrouped. Yeah, I know I said I wanted to regroup with everyone, but going out of town wasn't in the cards since I was out of town last weekend. I needed to clean house a bit and catch up on a LOT of laundry. Plus, I have homework and a visitation to attend tomorrow. A woman that I know passed away Wednesday from Ovarian cancer. She had a 5 year girl and a younger boy. It's a sad situation. Or as the 5 year old said, "Good for mom, sad for us". Do you guys realize that out of our "group", half of us have lost a parent already? I know we've talked about it but sometimes reality grips me again. What does that mean for us when we become parents? Will the odds get better? Gosh I hope so.
So, politics are going strong right now as the election gets closer. I can't stand politics. The viewpoints are so strong that sometimes it's hard to have your own point of view without someone debating it. I choose not to be open about it because one, my arguments are not strong enough and two, well, because it's no one's business but my own. I just hope that people vote from the heart rather than from a popularity contest. It will be interesting and I hope that we know right away.
Ok, I'm getting tired all of a sudden. BE SURE TO VOTE ON TUESDAY